
"Unu have heard that it were said - 'Love thy companion an hate thy enemy.' But I-man tell unu, that unu might be childran fe your Faada Who are ina Heaven - love your enemies, an bless them who curse unu, an do fine fe them who hate unu, an pray becau them who persecute unu; fe HIM send forth Sun pon evil ones an pon goodly ones, an sends rain pon righteous ones an pon sinners. If unu love them who love unu what reward do unu have? How about tax collectors - wouldn't them do that? An if unu greet only your bredren what superiority do unu mek? How about sinners - wouldn't them do that? Thus like unto your Heavenly Faada were perfect - be perfect ones." SELAH.


V.A. - Joe Gibbs 12'' Discomix Showcase Vol.1

17 North Parade CD, 2009
::: MIRROR :::
::: MIRROR :::

 1) Ruddy Thomas And Trinity - Feeling Soul
 2) Marcia Aitken And Trinity - My Man // Blouse And Skirt
 3) Dennis Brown And Prince Mohammed - How Can I Leave // Bubbling Love
 4) Mighty Diamonds And Ranking Joe - Just Like A River
 5) Enos McLeod And Killer Brown - Hello Carol - Yapa Yah
 6) Leo Graham And I Roy - A Win Them // News Carrier
 7) George Nooks And Welton Irie - Riding For A Fall // One A Yuh Girlfriend
 8) Madooand Kojak - Yuh Jamming So // Green Bay Killing
 9) Beverly Bailey And I Roy - I Was In Love // I Pray Thee
10) Junior Murvin And Welton Irie And Prince Weedy - Cool Out Son // Nice Up The Party
11) Machael Black And Ranking Joe - Natty Contractor // Drunken Master

By Danny Dred. Big Thanks !!